The Deluxe Universal RE-64 SIX TRANSISTOR Universal Radio Corp Chicago Illinois from 1964
This is the pocket radio Deluxe Universal RE-64 SIX TRANSISTOR model
that i aquired in a antique store for merely 3 euros. The seller didn't
know if it was working or not but i took the shot. It turns out..that it
works ! This pocket radio is from around 1964 and it works
perfectly. Actually i had to clean it's volume control but what gives?
No caps were replaced at all. Three euros for a pocket radio from the
sixties is a great deal :)
Unfourtanely this is a AM radio only and there's only a AM station in my area.
There was a time when the radio logo was printed on the metal plates, now nothing's left!
I really love the fact that everything is original. The caps may already be out the the original value and on the way to go, but at the moment everything works fine!
Thank you blogger for not letting me rotate my own images!
It uses a 9 volts battery
And this is how the PCB looks like. Really vintage stuff!
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